Volums dels quals Bruno Dente és autor, coautor o editor
[1] B. Dente, Contrattazione e consultazione nel pubblico impiego :l’esperienza del National Whitley Council britannico. Giuffrè, 1971.
[2] R. Mayntz, L. J. Sharpe, and B. Dente, Il Governo locale in Europa : repubblica federale tedesca, Gran Bretagna, Italia. Milano : Ediz. di Comunità, 1977.
[3] B. Dente, A. Pagano, and G. Regonini, Il Decentramento urbano : un caso di innovazione amministrativa. Milano : Edizioni di Comunità, 1978.
[4] B. Dente, Ed., Le Comunità montane in Emilia-Romagna : ricerca promossa dal Consiglio regionale. Milano : Giuffrè, 1983.
[5] B. Dente, Ed., Le Relazioni centro-periferia - Istituto per la scienza dell’amministrazione pubblica. 1984.
[6] B. Dente, Governare la frammentazione : stato, regioni ed enti locali in Italia. Bologna : Mulino, 1985.
[7] B. Dente, I processi decisionali nelle aziende municipalizzate di trasporto. Milano : Giuffrè, 1987.
[8] B. Dente and F. Kjellberg, Eds., The Dynamics of institutional change : local government reorganization in western democracies. London : Sage, 1988.
[9] B. Dente, Politiche pubbliche e pubblica amministrazione. Rimini : Maggioli, 1989.
[10] E. R. Ortigosa, B. Dente, and Fondazione “Emanuela Zancan.,” Welfare state e politiche sociali in Italia. Milano : Franco Angeli, 1990.
[11] B. Dente, Ed., Le Politiche pubbliche in Italia. Bologna : Il Mulino, 1990.
[12] B. Dente, Metropoli per progetti : attori e processi di trasformazione urbana a Firenze, Torino, Milano. Bologna : Il mulino, 1990.
[13] B. Dente, F. Matteucci, and L. Mittone, L’Efficacia dei poteri locali. Bologna : Il Mulino, 1991.
[14] B. Dente and G. Gario, Il governo locale possibile : poteri e operatività delle autonomie locali in Lombardia. Milano : Angeli, 1992.
[15] B. Dente, The Thin line between regionalism and federalism : reflections over the possible Italian federalization : [European Forum 2 and 3 June 1994 : conference: Regionalization in Europe: evaluation and perspectives, organized by professors Renaud Dehousse and Yves Mény] / Bruno Dente. Florence : European Forum, 1994.
[16] B. Dente, Riformare la Pubblica Amministrazione : Italia, Gran Bretagna, Spagna, Stati Uniti. Torino : Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, 1995.
[17] B. Dente, In un diverso stato : come rifare la pubblica amministrazione italiana. Bologna : Il mulino, 1995.
[18] Governare con il federalismo. Torino : Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, 1997.
[19] B. Dente, P. Fareri, and J. Ligteringen, The waste and the backyard : the creation of waste facilities : success stories in six European countries. Dordrecht [etc.] : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.
[20] G. Azzone and B. Dente, Valutare per governare : il nuovo sistema di controlli nelle pubbliche amministrazioni. Etas libri, 2001.
[21] F. Bassanini and B. Dente, Gli sportelli unici per le attività produttive : fallimento o rilancio? : [innovazione amministrativa, resistenze burocratiche e digitalizzazione ...]. Passigli, 2007.
[22] F. Butera and B. Dente, Change management nelle pubbliche amministrazioni : una proposta. Angeli, 2009.
[23] B. Dente, N. Lugaresi, and M. S. Righettini, La politica della privacy : tra tutela dei diritti e garanzia dei sistemi. Firenze-Antella: Passigli, 2009.
[24] B. Dente, Le Decisioni di policy : come si prendono, come si studiano. Bologna: il Mulino, 2011.
[25] B. Dente, Understanding policy decisions. New York : Springer, 2014.
[26] B. Dente and J. Subirats, Decisiones públicas : análisis y estudio de los procesos de decisión en políticas públicas. Barcelona : Ariel, 2014.
[27] S. Busetti and B. Dente, EXPOst : le conseguenza di un grande evento. Bologna : Il mulino, 2018.
Articles, capítols de llibres i "working papers"
[1] B. Dente and G. Regonini, “Urban Policy and Political Legitimation: The Case of Italian Neighborhood Councils,” International Political Science Review/Revue Internationale de Science Politique, vol. 1, no. 2, 1980.
[2] R. Lewanski and B. Dente, “Administrative networks and implementation effectiveness: industrial air pollution control policy in Italy,” Policy Studies Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, 1982.
[3] B. Dente, “Implementing Air Pollution Control in Italy: The Importance of the Political and Administrative Structure,” in International Comparisons in Implementing Pollution Laws, P. B. Downing and K. Hanf, Eds. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1983, pp. 107–128.
[4] B. Dente, “Centre-local relations in Italy: the impact of the legal and political structures,” in Centre-periphery relations in Western Europe, Y. Mény and N. Wright, Eds. London: Allen & Unwin, 1985, p. 305.
[5] B. Dente, “Intergovernmental Relations as Central Control Policies: The Case of Italian Local Finance,” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 383–402, Dec. 1985.
[6] B. Dente, “Local government reform and legitimacy,” in The Dynamics of institutional change : local government reorganization in western democracies, B. Dente and F. Kjellberg, Eds. London: Sage Publications, 1988, p. 191.
[7] B. Dente and G. Regonini, “Politics and policies in Italy,” in State, market, and social regulation : new perspectives on Italy, P. Lange and M. Regini, Eds. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989, p. 295.
[8] B. Dente, “Metropolitan governance reconsidered or how to avoid errors of the third type,” Governance, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 55–74, 1990.
[9] B. Dente, “Dix années d’innovations dans la production et la fourniture des services locaux: le cas d’Italie,” in Performances des services publics locaux : Analyse comparée des modes de gestion., GREP-UNSPIC, Ed. Paris: Litec, 1990, pp. 381–400.
[10] “Partisan politics and bureaucracy in italian local social policies,” International review of comparative public policy, vol. 2, 1990.
[11] B. Dente, “Italian local services: the difficult reoad towards privatisation,” in Local government in Europe : trends and developments, Hampshire [etc.] : Macmillan Education, 1991, pp. 110–122.
[12] B. Dente, “The fragmented reality of italian local government,” in Local government and urban affairs in international perspective : analyses of twenty Western industrialised countries, J. J. Hesse, Ed. Baden-Baden : Nomos, 1991, pp. 517–550.
[13] B. Dente, “Incoherence ou éclatement de l’Etat?,” in L’Etat, la finance et le social : souveraineté nationale et construction européenne, B. Théret, Ed. Paris : Ed. la Découverte, 1995, pp. 244–251.
[14] B. Dente, “El proceso de reforma de la Administración en Italia,” Gestión y análisis de políticas públicas, no. 2, pp. 109–121, 1995.
[15] B. Dente, “From 1,5 million tonnes per year to zero : the end of chemical industrial waste dumping in the Adriatic Sea (Port Marghera, Venezia) 1984/1988,” in Successful environmental stories - a critical evaluation of 24 cases, M. Janicke and H. Weidner, Eds. Berlin: Sigma, 1995, pp. 74–88.
[16] B. Dente and C. M. Radaelli, “Evaluation Strategies and Analysis of the Policy Process - ProQuest,” Evaluation, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 51–66, 1996.
[17] B. Dente, “Which institutions are best suited for the relationship between the regions the European Union?,” in Réflexion stratégique sur les mécanismes de participation des Régions à l’Union européenne dans la perspective de la CIG de 1996, E. Sánchez-Monjo, Ed. Maastricht: European Institute of Public Administration, 1997, pp. 251–274.
[18] B. Dente, “Sub-National Governments in the Long Italian Transition,” West European Politics, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 176–193, Jan. 1997.
[19] B. Dente, “La politique d’évaluation des politiques publiques,” in Evaluation des politiques publiques, M. C. Kessle, P. Lascoumes, M. Setbon, and J. C. T. (sous la direction De)., Eds. Paris: L’Harmattan, 1998, pp. 147–155.
[20] B. Dente, C. Griggio, A. Mariotto, and E. Pacchi, “Governing the sustainable development of Venice : elements of the institutional planning procedure,” in Sustainable Venice : suggestions for the future, I. Musu, Ed. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, pp. 227–261.
[21] B. Dente and R. Lewansli, “Italy,” in Capacity building in national environmental policy : a comparative study of 17 countries, H. Weidner and M. Jänicke, Eds. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 2002, pp. 261–285.
[22] B. Dente and A. Goria, “Competing Integration Principles in a Decentralising State,” in Integrated Governance and Water Basin Management Conditions for Regime Change and Sustainability, H. Kuks, Stefan, Bressers, Ed. Dordrecht [etc.] : Kluwer, 2004, pp. 189–212.
[23] B. Dente, L. Bobbio, and A. Spada, “Government or Governance of Urban Innovation?,” disP - The Planning Review, vol. 41, no. 162, pp. 41–52, Jan. 2005.
[24] B. Dente, “The Law as a policy resource: some scattered thoughts,” in Rediscovering public law and public administration in comparative policy analysis : a tribute to Peter Knoepfel, S. Nahrath and F. Varane, Eds. Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 2009.
[25] A. Goria, A. Sgobbi, and I. von. Homeyer, “The transformation of regional and local governments: implications for environment policy integrations,” in Governance for the environment : a comparative analysis of environmental policy integration, A. Goria, A. Sgobbi, and I. Homeye, Eds. Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar, 2010, pp. 77-85.
[26] B. Dente, “Drawing lessons for comparative policy analysisis from the study of ther evolution of privacy policy,” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis;, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 119–123, 2011.
[27] B. Dente and P. Coletti, “Measuring governance in urban innovation,” Local Government Studies, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 43–56, 2011.
[28] B. Dente and N. Piraino, “Models for determining the efficiency of student loans policies,” Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 375–386, 2011.
[29] B. Dente, “End of an era ? The Monti government approach to central-local relations,” Parigi: SciencesPo, 2012.
[30] C. M. Radaelli, B. Dente, and S. Dossi, “Recasting Institutionalism: Institutional Analysis and Public Policy,” European Political Science, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 537–550, Dec. 2012.
[31] S. Busetti and B. Dente, “Focus on the finger, overlook the moon: The introduction of performance management in the administration of Italian universities,” Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 225–237, 2014.
[32] B. Dente, “Towards a typology of local development policies and programmes,” Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, vol. 29, no. 6–7, pp. 675–686, Sep. 2014.
[33] S. Busetti and B. Dente, “The Advantages of Proximity: Comparing Higher Education Policy in Scotland and Catalonia,” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 38–53, Jan. 2016.